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Leads Others in His Passion for Work A senior staff member of Belobog Industries, he's an onsite project manager who's always ready to go.

Energetic and Reliable He's full of vigor and always rises to the occasion.

Kind-Hearted Despite Appearances With a sharp tongue but a soft heart, he can't say "no" to those in need.

Strong, Sincere & Straightforward Open and honest, nothing can seem to upset him.


"Sorry, I got held up by this strange guy asking if I wanted to play cards or something on my way here... Hm? You haven't started interviewing our president yet, have you? Don't forget to lower the mic stand a bit."

Anton: "Hey! What are you staring at? Get moving! This isn't a break room!"

That's Belobog Industries for you, Anton is just as mindful of every second as President Koleda.


Check out this video by ShiroNaya!


Anton Ivanov
Koleda: "Recently, working out has become a popular pastime at the construction site. The one who started all this tried a 100 Bangboo single-handed pushups challenge... As the president, I think I need to emphasize that you shouldn't push yourself too hard when exercising, or you'll get injured."

Koleda: "Recently, working out has become a popular pastime at the construction site. The one who started all this tried a 100 Bangboo single-handed pushups challenge... As the president, I think I need to emphasize that you shouldn't push yourself too hard when exercising, or you'll get injured."