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Zenless Zone Zero Von LycaonS

Von Lycaon

Build and Guide
Your personal attendant Lycaon, at your service.

Lycaon is the leader of the Victoria Housekeeping faction.


Can resolve any matter. The most trusted of attendants, and solid support for any team.

Rational and wise, a true gentleman who can't tolerate a single stain.

Offers absolute loyalty to the one he decides to follow.

Though outwardly sophisticated and rational, his innate feral character will reveal itself when faced with certain dangers.


Completely different from the girl last week, the domestic helper this week looks quite sturdy! He also has a fluffy tail. It looks so soft and cuddly(´ェ`)...

Tail?! Eh— what—? Wait! I-Isn't he a wolf??

W-W-Wolves don't happen to like eating Bangboo, right?! Σ(っ °Д °;)っ

Lycaon: "If you are bored, would you like a steak? Medium or medium-rare?"


Check out this video by ChrisBe!


Do you need a personal attendant?

Wait! Before you say "No" without thinking, lemme finish!

I'm not talking about an ordinary attendant, I'm talking about the kind of professionals you see described in a dictionary when you look up the word "attendant"! These rational, reliable elites will serve you as if you are royalty and follow you to the edge of the world (during the contract period, of course). With their help, you'll be able to focus on being a better person, free of worldly worries... That's the kind of attendant I'm talking about!

Ohh? You're interested? That's great!

Oh by the way, you won't mind that he's covered in fur, has sharp teeth, fuzzy ears, and a fluffy tail, right? 

Great~ Now lemme introduce to you this outstanding attendant from Victoria Housekeeping Co. — Lycaon.

Do you need a personal attendant?

Wait! Before you say "No" without thinking, lemme finish!

I'm not talking about an ordinary attendant, I'm talking about the kind of professionals you see described in a dictionary when you look up the word "attendant"! These rational, reliable elites will serve you as if you are royalty and follow you to the edge of the world (during the contract period, of course). With their help, you'll be able to focus on being a better person, free of worldly worries... That's the kind of attendant I'm talking about!

Ohh? You're interested? That's great!

Oh by the way, you won't mind that he's covered in fur, has sharp teeth, fuzzy ears, and a fluffy tail, right?

Great~ Now lemme introduce to you this outstanding attendant from Victoria Housekeeping Co. — Lycaon.