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Zenless Zone Zero SoukakuA


Build and Guide
I'm happy as long as I can always eat my fill ~


Soukaku, Deceptively Strong in Combat Not only a member of Section 6, but also one of its "assets." Enemies who underestimate her have a tendency to vanish from existence. Totally.

Not Picky, Hates Wasting Food She loves to eat, and gets angry when seeing others waste food. Totally.

Trouble With Words Due to certain reasons, she's somewhat uneducated, and often mispronounces words, which results in some cute blunders. Totally.

A Pure & Innocent Child Though only an immature kid, much like the boy in "The Emperor's New Clothes," she often uncovers the simple truths. Totally.


"Glutton" - the name Soukaku's been called the most. Few people know her full nickname is: The cute little one who always gobbles down everything she can and is super happy when full but can't reed or rite.

Soukaku: "Yanagi says time is precious, more precious than the TASTIEST food in the world. So we should never waste time, get it?"


Check out this video by while!


"Glutton" - the name Soukaku's been called the most.

Few people know her full nickname is: The cute little one who always gobbles down everything she can and is super happy when full but can't reed or rite. (Note: This was written by Soukaku herself)

"Glutton" - the name Soukaku's been called the most.

Few people know her full nickname is: The cute little one who always gobbles down everything she can and is super happy when full but can't reed or rite. (Note: This was written by Soukaku herself)