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Zenless Zone Zero Section 6

Section 6



Eradicate all evil — we decide for ourselves what "evil" is.


Hollow Special Operations is H.A.N.D.'s armed force dedicated to the response to Hollow disasters. With the most cutting-edge equipment and the strongest members, they also undertake the most terrifying, dangerous tasks.

They can be found in high-risk Hollow-related events and highly sensitive missions involving H.A.N.D.

Section 6 is one of the newly established frontline operational units of the Special Operations Department. Like other disciplined units under H.A.N.D., Section 6 is made up of a number of highly talented individuals. However, with Miyabi at its core, Section 6 is unique in every sense of the word.


Section 6
Section 6
"Eat it before it goes out? I'll dig in now then!"

"Soukaku, stop!"

"Eat it before it goes out? I'll dig in now then!"

"Soukaku, stop!"