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Dead End Butcher

The Dead End Butcher is a powerful Ethereal that lives in the Dead End Hollow.

The Vision Corporation considered eliminating the Dead End Butcher to make the Dead End Hollow smaller.

The Dead End Hollow over by Canvas Street has been expanding, and the road to Canvas Street from town is all blocked up.

Plus the Ethereal in there is utterly terrifying, so don't even think about trying to get through there or hiring some random Proxy to be your guide

- [Post] The old metro is about to explode!, Inter-Knot

My cousin works at the HIA and said there's a really vicious Ethereal at the Dead End Hollow who's way too tough for any of hte normal investigators to handle. I guess only the elite Investigators can take care of it?

- [Post] The old metro is about to explode!, Inter-Knot