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Old Capital Metro Renovation project

The old capital metro area is being renovated, and the project was won by Vision Corporation.

The area is near Canvas Street.

The Old Capital Metro renovation project has begun. The contractor Vision Corporation is about to launch the first demolition operation on the project site.

Vision estimates 30 demolition operations will be needed to complete the project. A special demolition command center has been set up, and is currently transporting Ether explosives to the site of the first explosion: Canvas Street.

Two voices remain consistent in commentary about this metro renovation project; "Recycle it" and "Rebuild over it". Vision is in the latter camp. Recently, several media pundits interviewed Charles Perlman, chief representative of Vision, and this newcomer to the industry repeatedly expressed the necessity of rebuilding the metro Vision's determination to do so.

- [Post] The old metro is about to explode!, Inter-Knot

Old Capital Metro Renovation project