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Stores and People

Mr. Hello

Mr. Hello is a Bangboo, who is the Ambassador Unit for the Sixth Street Hollow Investigative Association (HIA).

Mr. Hello went through the painstaking process of learning he universal language, to become the promotional ambassador. It also sells ice cream on the side.

Mr. Hello


Mr. Hello provides commissions from the HIA.

Commissions are divided into:

  1. Daily Tasks
  2. Weekly Goals
  3. Association Matters

Completing tasks will earn you Film and HIA Commemorative Marbles, which can be exchanged at Mr. Hello's Exchange Store.

Daily tasks

Examples of Daily Tasks include:

  • Log in to the game
  • Try 1 coffee
  • Check in with a scratch card at the news stand
  • Spend 160 Battery Charge

Daily Tasks available from Mr. Hello

Weekly goals

Examples of Weekly Goals include:

  • Complete Hollow Zero at any difficulty twice
  • Complete 3 Rally Commissions
  • Use a total of 30 Enemy Cards in Daily Commissions
  • Earn a total of 60,000 Dennies through the video store

Weekly Goals available from Mr. Hello

Association matters

Examples of Association Matters include:

  • Complete your investigation of Hollow Zero's Exploration Area: Core
  • Complete a Hollow Zero challenge at Low Risk
  • Complete a Hollow Zero challenge at High Risk
  • Signal Search a total of 50 times

Association Matters available from Mr. Hello

Exchange Store

The Exchange Store can be accessed at the bottom of Mr. Hello's commission screen.

Here, players can exchange the HIA Commemorative Marbles they have earned from completing HIA commissions.

Some items that players can receive in exchange include: Dennies, Hamster Cage Pass, Pure Ether Stream, Senior Investigator Log, Official Investigator Log, W-Engine Energy Module, W-Engine Power SUpply, Bangboo System Widget, and Bangboo Algorithm Module.

Mr. Hello's Exchange Store