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Vision Corporation

Vision Corporation is a large, well-established, construction company. It's vision is the "well-being of everyone in New Eridu."

They beat out Belobog Industries for the metro renovation project.

Belobog is still growing. They can't really compare with an established name like Vision, both in finances and industry connections. Vision's like to join TOPS.

After all, the metro renovation project's hyper lucrative, so, you know...

- Belobog falls shorts?!, Inter-Knot


The chief representation of the Vision Corporation is Charles Perlman, and the director is Ms. Sarah.

Vision Corporation and Charles Perlman

Ms. Sarah

Old Capital Metro Renovation Project

Vision Corporation won the contract to renovate the Old Capital Metro, by offering a lower bid than competitor, Belobog Industries.


The first phase of the project was to demolish the old metro.

The Old Capital Metro renovation project has begun. The contractor Vision Corporation is about to launch the first demolition operation on the project site.

Vision estimates 30 demolition operations will be needed to complete the project. A special demolition command center has been set up, and is current transporting Ether explosives to the site of the first explosion, Canvas Street.

- [Post] The old metro is about the explode!, Inter-Knot

Not all residents were supportive of the decision to demolish the old metro. Some residents suggested recycling the old metro instead. However, Charles Perlman, chief representative of the Vision Corporation, repeatedly expressed the necessity of rebuilding hte metro and Vision's determination to do so.

I read the interview and he didn't say squat about why the metro had to be blown up and rebuilt!

- unimportantsmurf, [Post] The old metro is about the explode!, Inter-Knot

I think it's a waste to blow up everything and rebuild it. After all, many old metros can still be repaired and reused, and the dust from demolition is bad for the environment.

- whynot, [Post] The old metro is about the explode!, Inter-Knot


Vision Corporation publicly stated that they would evacuate the residents of Canvas Street before the demolition, however, when the Cunning Hares investigated, they discovered that Vision Corporation had not evacuated the residents of Canvas Street, and had instead planned to kill them with explosives.

There were over a hundred residents waiting for Vision to evacuate them.

Wait. This is the blast zone! It was supposed to be cleared. Why are there so many people?!

- Nicole Demara

The Cunning Hares discover that Vision Corporation did not evacuate the residents of Canvas Street, as they said they would.

Because Vision was responsible for the cost of relocating all the residents of Canvas Street, they decided to kill them instead, to avoid paying the relocation costs.

The metro renovation project is one of the most talked about big projects in New Eridu. It's technically and financially demanding, and they still have to relocate the residents... But if Vision just dealt with the residents along with the demolition... That'd save costs.

- Billy Kid

I heard Vision got the contract based on their cost advantage. I never thought that cost included complete disregard for human life! For shame!.

- [Post] Vision's shocking scandal exposed - Perlman is going to jail!, Inter-Knot

The Canvas Street residents are basically all pretty poor, and many don't even have a legal ID for New Eridu. That's why Vision chose to exploit them.

- [Post] Vision's shocking scandal exposed - Perlman is going to jail!, Inter-Knot

Vision had gone so far as to hire mercenaries dressed up as Public Security to ensure the residents remained in the blast zone.

Vision Corporation sent armed mercenaries, pretending to be Public Security to keep the trapped residents in check.

The Cunning Hares, along with Nekomata, capture Charles Perlman. Nekomata takes Charles Perlman to use as a bargaining chip in her negotiation with Vision.

Nekomata captures Charles Perlman.

Public Security, along with the media and Belobog Industries, arrived to arrest Vision Corporation and rescue the residents of Canvas Street.

"This just in -- A shocking scandal is developing around Vision Corporation! After receiving a tip-off, our reporter followed the Public Security and has now arrived at the site of the demolition command center located near the entrance to the Dead End Hollow."

Charles Perlman, chief representative of the Vision Corporation, was immediately arrested following revelations that Vision tried using explosives to kill residents of Canvas Street and avoid paying compensation to the relocated residents.

Survivors from Canvas Street claimed that Vision promised them proper resettlement even up to the day of the blast, demanding they wait in place. Meanwhile, Vision blocked off civilian signals to the blast zone, masquerading as law enforcement to seal off the zone and stop any residents from finding out the truth.

But the residents still discovered Vision's evil plot and managed to get out of trouble thanks to the services of a certain odd-job agency. The agency will also be acting as legal counsel for the survivors in their civil case to help them get the compensation they deserve.

- [Post] Vision's shocking scandal exposed - Perlman is going to jail!, Inter-Knot