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What are W-Engines?

Each agent in Zenless Zone Zero has a W-Engine, which can be equipped to improve their combat abilities.

All W-Engines increase the base attack of agents.

In addition, each W-Engine has its own unique advanced stat and W-Engine effect.

For example, some W-Engines will also increase an agent's critical damage, PEN Ratio, defense, or HP.

An agent can only equip one W-Engine at a time.

W-Engines are given a rank of S, A, or B.

W-Engines in Zenless Zone Zero

List of W-Engines

How to obtain W-Engines

W-Engines can be purchased at the gadget shop, Box Galaxy. You can also get W-Engines by completing Proxy Primers.

Purchasing W-Engines cost W-Engine modification materials, Dennies, and W-Engine Chips.

You can get W-Engine Chips by recycling A-Rank W-Engines or completing certain side missions.

Upgrading and modifying

W-Engines can be updated in two ways: upgrading and modification.


You can use W-Engine Power Sources to upgrade your W-Engines and raise their Base Attack.

This will increase the level of the W-Engine. The higher the level, the higher the base attack.

Upgrading a W-Engine to increase its Base Attack


Once your Inter-Knot Level is high enough, you can use W-Engine Components to modify your W-Engines, raising their level cap and increasing their advanced stats.

This will increase the number of "stars" the W-Engine has.

The parts required for modification varies depending on the W-Engine.

In addition, you can use W-Engines or the same kind for W-Engine Updates, increasing the W-Engine's Phase and further enhancing its W-Engine effects.

Modifying a W-Engine to raise its level cap and increase its advanced stats

W-Engine guide

Fairy's guide to W-Engines